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  1. Class bookings can be made online or via the mobile app from 7pm, 9 days in advance or 8 days in advance at reception, in person or over the phone.
  2. All courses are available for booking once published on the timetable except for All Stars which is subject to a ‘Priority Booking’ window, with the exception of All Stars by Direct Debit.
  3. All chargeable classes or courses, with the exception of All Stars courses by Direct Debit, must be paid for at the time of booking. Refunds will only apply if at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation is given for the class or before the first instance of a course.
  4. Members can book classes, from pm the previous evening, at any David Lloyd Club* if spaces are available.
  5. Platinum members can book classes at any David Lloyd club*, depending on their membership, online up to 9 days in advance or at reception up to 8 days in advance.
  6. Booking rights follow peak and off-peak membership access rights.
  7. Classes can be booked for any person connected with your membership package.
  8. Bookings for junior members under 14 years of age can only be made by an adult (parent or guardian). Any adult linked to a child’s membership may make the booking.
  9. Certain classes are restricted by age group. Junior members can only be booked onto a class that is appropriate for their age.
  10. If you do not turn up to a class booking a ‘no show’ notification will apply.
  11. If a booking for a class that is or has been fully booked at any point is canceled, a "late cancellation" notification will be issued as a penalty. However, if another member books the canceled spot, the penalty will not apply. This only applies if the class has reached maximum capacity at any time.
  12. If a member accumulates three penalty warnings, either for non-attendance or late cancellations, within a 30-day period, they will lose the right to book classes for one week (7 days).
  13. If a member arrives late to a class that has already started, the instructor has the right to deny entry to avoid disrupting the session.
  14. Member guests can participate in classes if spaces are available at the time of the session but cannot be booked. The guest will need to have a valid guest pass to access the club.


  1. Court bookings can be made online or via the mobile app from 8am, 9 days in advance or 8 days in advance at reception, in person or over the phone.
  2. Full/Racquets Members can book courts, from 8am on-the-day, at any David Lloyd Club* subject to availability.
  3. Platinum & Full Vantage members can book courts up to 9 days in advance online or via the mobile app at any David Lloyd Club* or 8 days in advance via reception subject to availability.
  4. Clubs reserve the right to introduce advanced booking restrictions at times where racquets courts are in ‘High Demand’. During such times, the member will only be able to make one advanced booking per day. Subject to availability, additional bookings in high demand periods can be made 24 hours in advance.
  5. Booking durations are 60 minutes for singles and 60 or 90 minutes for doubles during periods within high demand. 90 minute singles and 120 minute doubles can also be made at all other times. For Squash, all court bookings are 40 minutes.
  6. Bookings require the names of all players. If players’ names are not available at the time of booking, the booking will be held provisionally. To confirm the court booking players names must be provided 24 hours prior to the booking start time or the court will be released. Amendments to players’ names can be made at any time prior to booking start time.
  7. Courts for private tennis lessons can be booked online, at reception, or via the coach. To book lessons less than 24 hours in advance please speak directly to your coach.
  8. Courts and courses can be booked for any person connected with your membership package.
  9. Booking rights follow peak and off-peak membership access rights.
  10. When booking padel courts it is essential that all players access the club with the wristband or digital card (available on the APP). Otherwise, the club reserves the right to apply the corresponding penalty to the holder of the reservation.
  11. All chargeable courts, or courses, with the exception of All Stars courses by Direct Debit, must be paid for at the time of booking. Refunds will only apply if at least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation is given for the court booking or before the first instance of a course.
  12. Bookings for junior members under 14 years of age can only be made by an adult (parent or guardian). Any adult linked to a child’s membership may make the booking.
  13. Clubs reserve the right to pre-book courts and restrict bookings made by junior members.
  14. If a court booking is not used or is cancelled with 24 hours advance notice or less, a ‘no show’ or ‘late cancellation’ notification will apply to the member who booked the court, unless the court is re-booked by another member.
  15. Three late court cancellations or no-shows in any 90 day period will result in the loss of advanced court booking rights for 1 month (30 days).
  16. If a racquets court is empty 10 minutes after a booking start time, the court may be released for use by other members.
  17. Club, Club Plus & Health & Fitness members can book a Tennis, Squash, Badminton or Padel court on the day at any David Lloyd club* subject to availability. Additional charges payable at the time of booking will apply.
  18. If a Club, Club Plus or Health and Fitness adult member is found to be on court without paying the appropriate fee, they must pay the court fee and the booking rights for everyone on their membership will be lost for one month.
  19. Member guests can be named as an additional player on a court booking at reception only. You will need to have a valid guest pass and declare the guest’s name.

*Excluding Harbour Clubs

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VAT No. 740 5477 34. Registered Company No. 1516226 David Lloyd Leisure Ltd, The Hangar, Mosquito Way, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AX